What To Wear and Bring This Kadayawan (A Fashion Blog for Guidance)

When watching Kadayawan Festivals, especially Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan and Pamulak sa Kadayawan expect that you will be standing under the sun for a long hours.


Wear light clothes and avoid dark colored shirts. No doubts, we over heard this already that black or dark colored clothes are more absorbent compared to white and light clothes that are more reflective.

No Backpacks Rule. Davao City Councilor Edgar Ibuyan has reiterated this rule since 2014. The rule is part of the security plan to abort terrorists hiding explosive devices in backpack.

You can use shoulder bags that are transparent bag, cloth bag or laminated bag.

Wearing CAPS and SUNGLASSES strictly not allowed, use STRAW HATS and/or a "BANDANA" for added protection.

Wear comfortable shoes.

While some use slippers or travel slippers while watching Indak-Indak and Float Parade.

Gadgets. To capture every moment during the highlights, use either camera or a smartphone camera, and don't forget your powerbank (a portable charger that comes in every handy when you're outdoors).

Since this is the first Kadayawan under Martial Law expect more strengthen and strict guidance inspection during the activities. We have to follow rules, but still we need to suit ourselves by wearing comfortable clothes that fit well so that you look and act your best while having fun at #Kadayawan.

For Official Kadayawan updates, please visit @kadayawanfest

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  1. I love the canvas bags most and I want to show you some lights, they are so beautiful and gorgeous,hope you love them.
