Check Your Breast by Nestle Fitness Bra Cam Breast Cancer Campaign

Watched this video making rounds all over social media and I was a bit curious on what is going on.

The story is that a woman fitted a bra with a hidden camera, doing her day-to-day routine you might be surprised by the result of how many people checking out her breast.

It was an experiment from Nestle Fitness with a mission to remind all women around the world to always CHECK their BREAST regularly.

October is a BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH and this Nestle Fitness Bra Cam is all part of their PINK RIBBON CAMPAIGN to help raise breast cancer awareness and by using a hashtag #CheckYourSelfie promoted by KEEP A BREAST FOUNDATION

Studies show that a Monthly Routine of Self- Check of our breast will likely notice changes in our bodies and this would avail us more if we do regularly visit to our doctor to ask for medical advice so that we can find if we have cancer at the earliest possible time.

Nestle Fitness Bra Cam is also a reminder to all mothers like me who are busy working, To STOP and TAKE TIME to CHECK YOUR BREAST! It is better to be aware of our bodies ladies.

>>> Watch the behind the scene of the Bra Cam Viral Video, starring actress Eloise Oliver and Director Ellen Kuras.

The Bra Cam video is also showing us that everyone is checking our breast, how about us?  When was the last time we checked our own? So calling all WOMEN let us all participate with this campaign, help us to keep changing women's HEALTH for the better!

Shape up your LIFESTYLE!

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  1. I remember last time I had my breast exam I was so scared because they discovered a bump. Thank goodness it was caused because my period was about to come! This is a great and informative post!

    1. Good to hear that Ms. Kat....I also had an experience a BUMP in my BREAST...kind of scary and thanks God just the same with you my period is about to come too..hahahahaha

  2. This is an innovative way to raise consciousness and is also really effective.

    1. Yes Franc. A sort of a reminder to all ladies to regularly check their breasts.

  3. Awareness at its best. This is really informative. Might as well show this to my wife.

  4. Nice video and idea to promote awareness about breast cancer! I saw this already trending on my Facebook feed.

    1. Yeah...saw it trending too and need to make a post about it. :)

  5. My mom was a breast cancer survivor and though she was successfully treated, we her children never fail to check our breast regularly. - KarenT

  6. Good to hear that Karen. You should check your breast regularly mahirap nah....ibang kalabanin ang cancer. Blessed you.

  7. This is such a great campaign because self examination is really important when it comes to breast cancer. Self examination leads to early diagnosis and also increases the chance for recovery
