Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum: 5th Week Application

Product reviews are still the fastest and the number one way of promoting and increasing revenues.  Though it is more advantageous to us as bloggers to do product reviews, readers want to know what you think about the products and services that relate to your niche by providing them resources and information needed to gain impact for their buying decisions.

Here as I say, I am going to post pictures about my experiences regarding FYSIKO EYELASH GROWTH SERUM to see how it works day-by-day, weeks-by-weeks. In my 5th WEEK of using, it has been proven that it is very effective to grow natural eyelashes with patience and with every day application.

Beauty Essentials once commented on my review(read here), and she told me that it can be used for eyebrows too.  So I tried it for the first time.

A sort of itching but can be tolerated. 

I was recently asked if it worked with an eyebrow. So this is it, it both works.

The insert sheet for FYSIKO LASHES says the ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are BIO-PEPTIDES and AMINO ACIDS that helps to repair and strengthen fragile eyelashes and eyebrows.  VITAMIN E, OLIVE OIL, THYME,SOY PROTEIN are the key elements to enhance a NATURAL LASH. SODIUM HYALURONATE that promotes hydration and helps eyelashes and eyebrows appear shiny and strong. METHYLAMIDO DIHYDRO NORALFOPROSTAL that promotes healthy lash follicles for full growth potential. And PANTHENOL, helps eyelashes and eyebrows last longer by making them more flexible.

As with this serum you have to use it once or twice a day to achieve full growth lashes.  It doesn't required prescriptions and you can bought it online by clicking it HERE.

I've read from other reviewers about the other products that they use, they experienced skin irritation and pigmentation.  In my case, I've encountered such itchiness with this serum(story here) but not irritation and pigmentation, and it doesn't stop me from using the product.

Either FYSIKO EYELASH GROWTH SERUM or any other serum products, just a piece of advice:  USE IT WITH CAUTION.  Use only as directed and stated in the insert sheet.  Discontinue using if you notice any irritation or problems.  And you should immediately seek your Doctor's advice.

You can visit their website for more info, FYSIKO' LASHES

Or follow them via TWITTER or FACEBOOK PAGE 


*I was financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*


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  1. You should have a side by side from first to 5th week but looks like it's working.

    1. Yes Franc..see above pic its from the first day of use till my 5th week of using the serum.

    2. Your eyelashes has really grown. The product is effective.

  2. This is a great product. I am enjoying using it as well.

  3. I didn't know this existed if I'd known about this product instead of me waiting for it to grow back for every time i mess up my brows. lol

  4. WOW what a difference it has made - that is amazing I'm not sure what to say I am definitely going to have to look into this :) x

  5. Wow! I never even knew they made something like this.

  6. I've enjoyed watching your progress with this!

  7. Wow - what great results you are seeing here!

  8. I didn't know that there is such a product available in the market. It seems to be working on you.

  9. that's quite an improvement! I would to try this product for my eyelashes too :)

  10. Now I am tempted to make my lashes grow longer with this product! It's showing an improvement with your lashes. :)

  11. Don't we all love a multifunctional product? However, while I would like to have longer eyelashes, too, I don't have the patience to do it. Sigh!

  12. lovely! hope to see side by side results in the future!!! and hope that it really works and d o wonders! Girls will totally love it! xx

  13. I have tracked and tuned in to your posts and the result of the application turned out to be well. Effective! :)

  14. havent jumped into the bandwagon of using this kind of product (though i need it too!). i used to think it's useless but seeing your progress, i think i might give it a shot :D

  15. it's good to know that moms are into making themselves beautiful. this one was a good beauty blog. keep it up!

  16. Wow! The product is really effective! It would be nice to try that :) what a sultry and glamorous look it would achieve :)

  17. Looks like it is working on you with some minor side effect. I may try this, hope they will give me a product for review .

  18. omg please refer me to the company who sent you the serum! I want to try it too! =)

  19. Wow! Your eye lashes looks nice. I think I would this serum too. Thanks for sharing. Haha!

  20. I think I'm already sold with this product! I definitely need longer lashes :p
