I am a mother of a two tweens even if we have large age gap between us, I see to it that when I go shopping for their school essentials they will love it! The fact that we have different preferences what I do I go with their preferences and associate with their generations.
I know when it comes to school fashion, teenagers are heavily influenced by social media and know better what's IN or OUT. This year, they are using gadgets rather than clothing (since my tweens have school uniform), to say that you are "IN STYLE".
And if it is the first day of school and you want to make a good impression to your classmates, friends and teachers you should have the confidence to show them what you got (but not to look boastful, it's another story).
Here, I'm sharing with you the things that my two tweens requested me to buy. Though I did not buy them all, but still I consider other things as essentials for them aside from the gadgets they want.