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Myra VitaWhite Whitening Facial Wash #MyraBeauty #Beauty #FacialWash #MyraUNILABPh #ProductReview

There are many hundreds of facial wash today that promise you to give ultimate satisfaction, and you have a hard time which one to pick. Yes, I am one of the hundreds that tried several facial washes that some of them didn't fulfill their promises and some of them are way to expensive for a budget single mom like me,  so I have to stopped using them.

After viewing this UNILAB TV Commercial from Myra, I was a bit skeptical about the product and keeping promises for me is a hard thing to do --- to whiten skin with daily use. Hmmmm...well, you cannot totally blame me for having that kind of impression since I have a series of bad experience with the other brands I've tried before.

But reading positive reviews about MYRA VITAWHITE WHITENING FACIAL WASH and hearing it from a friend who already using it, I thought if I really want to know how it works or how effective this product is, I should experience it for myself. Good thing! I was chosen to be one of the blogger to post for a MYRA FACIAL WASH CAMPAIGN.

Received a MYRA KIT last week.

Well, I did. As I said from my MYRA VITASMOOTH post, I use this during night time so that I can make an honest review and I can differentiate my experience about the two variants from MYRA FACIAL WASH.

Myra® VitaWhite Facial Wash 50mL – Whitening Facial Wash:

*Enriched with antioxidant Vitamin E beads which protect and nourish skin to help keep it healthy with a youthful glow.

**Has Biowhite Complex which derived from plant extracts that gently whitens skin.

***Has Niacinamide that evens out skin tone by reducing red blotches to make skin more radiant.

****And of course, because its from Myra®, it is hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested to be safe for everyday use.

*****PHp75 SRP

For the packaging, I suggest the color below the name VITAWHITE must be change, because it is unreadable. But overall, for a week using this product I attest to the fact that it delivers what it promises. I'm not saying this because it was given to me as freebie, it didn't happen overnight, it took me days before I can see the difference.

One thing more about MYRA VITAWHITE WHITENING FACIAL WASH it has a Biowhite Complex which lightens the skin safely and naturally because of the natural extracts and Niacinamide that help skin more radiant.

It smells like a shampoo, very mild and less chemicals. It is safe and effective for everyday use.

Another big YES for my recommendation. I will highly recommend to buy this product and give Myra Vitawhite Whitening Facial Wash a try.

As for me, I can only say that I get my money's worth in every use of this product.

DisclosureI received MYRA VITAWHITE WHITENING FACIAL WASH for free from UNILAB Philippines - MYRA Beauty as coordinated by PR Friendly Network in consideration for a product review publication.

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