FujiFilm Instax DIY Year 2 Davao ‪#‎teaminstaxph‬ ‪#‎instaxdiyyear2davao‬

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, when I got the chance to attend an event sponsored by  Robinsons Abreeza, Davao City.

An event where cuteness and excitement are added to the fun by exploring your own creativeness using the INSTAX Camera and let your photography and artistry shine.

The Instax DIY in Davao is the second league of the Team Instax Philippines event outside Metro Manila.


Guests have been welcomed by the #TeamInstaxPh.

A photo area was available for everyone.


A photo posted by rainepal (@palraine) on
*This photo was shot by Moira Estrada(daughter of Janice de Belen and John Estrada)

Plus a scrumptious buffet full of deliciously baked cupcakes, brownies, cookies and large Instax cake from one of the sponsors Cake Gallerie.

And Yellow Hauz with their refreshing beverages.

The event hosted by Ms. Jojie Alcantara, a Dabawenya writer/blogger, photographer and Instax Ambassadress for Mindanao and Ms. Tyrine Silva, Chief of Marketing of Instax.


The main purpose of this event is to give Instax users and all the other upcoming users on how they can be more creative in using their Instax photos.

by Moira Estrada

By binding all your Instax photos together and if you want to be a bit showy with what you have been through like if you are in a travel vacation or happy memories with your love ones, you can make a key chain of memories. In this, you can have a sort of a memory-keeping and bring it wherever you go.

(C) Circuit Mag

by Tyrine Silva

Keeping memories in an album is an old way in keeping precious memories, why not make it more modern and sophisticated in creating your own album, just like building your own Great Wall of Instax in your room or in the office table.

(C) Circuit Mag

LAMPSTAX(a lamp with Instax)
by April San Pedro

A photo posted by April San Pedro (@iam_artisan) on
A photo posted by April San Pedro (@iam_artisan) on

*You can read her blog post here ARTISAN

Teaching us some ideas on how Instax camera can help us bring out our talents in making good memories that can be treasured for a long time. By the way, INSTAX photos are safe to use, and if you want to know more about the FILM & on how you can take good care of your photos, visit Zeruda's Wonderland.

Congratulation and thank you to the Team Instax Philippines for a fun afternoon, I really need to buy that Mini 8 Instax now.

with Jojie Alcantara

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  1. I like how Instax has emerged over the last few years and gave us more photo souvenir alternatives. It really gives room to creativity.

    1. First time to hold an Instax Camera Franc and I super like it!

  2. Not only your eyes and hands got the taste of arts but also your tummy got some thoughtful tastes and refreshments. Now you can spread what you've learned with a happy tummy. :D

    1. Yeah, you are right Robbie....the cupcakes, cookies and brownies are freshly baked and the ice cold coffee so refreshing.

  3. I've been wanting to have my own instax. I'll do all these ideas when I got mine! I'm so excited!

  4. Wow! so sure you have fun out there. You have harness your creativity side and at the same time got your tummy full with those deli foodies.

  5. I love the collage that is shown here. I have some photos too taken by Instax. I hope it will not fade easily :)

  6. I'd love to try out the DIY instax activities at home soon.

  7. An interesting event you've atttended with lots of food and freebies. You explored the event with energy and creativeness.

  8. Oh wow the Hello Kitty Instax is the one I have been eying for so long now. It's fun to be in such great event where you can learn and socialize with fellow users. I also want to learn how to be more creative when taking pics!

    1. Same here Roch, I really love to buy that Hello Kitty Instax. Super cute and I love carrying it, kasi very handy.

  9. I have been hearing this gadget for quite some time now but i have not gotten one myself.
    Nice shots! i moght consider buying one soon.

    - Michelle

  10. Nice Shots..gotta have one myself.

  11. i remember the first time my sister and i held a fuji instax. it was so big, so cute and sooo comfy to hold

  12. Davao residents are sure lucky to be visited by the Instax team. I hope they come here in our province too soon!

  13. Great event. It's good that companies are expanding, and Davao gets to participate in this type of events.

  14. Hi sis, I should have sign up in this event instead of Sarbay hehehe...
    Anyway,I've been wishing to have my own fuji instax someday.
    I'm just glad Fuji provide lots of creative ideas to instax users.

  15. I remembered you were inviting me to this event! Hehe! :D

    But I'm glad that you had fun with the Instax. :D

    Cheers for more years to come!
