Why They Love Mr. Grey (The Fifty Shades Of Grey #1) - Review

I'd watch the movie out of curiosity, okay I watch a lot of movies though not that I exaggerate it, an average of two or three new films per day via online...Yay,for the internet!  

I don't think there's a negative impact from watching this, though I've got an EBOOK copy of Fifty Shades of Grey(Fifty Shades #1) thru GOODREADS, but I still have to watch it in a movie on how Dakota Johnson(Anastasia Steele) and Jamie Dorman(Christian Grey) bring out the flesh on E.L James hollow characters.

Perhaps I was curious at what point it would get worse, or maybe I was holding for something about the film. I must admit the movie version of E.L James "FIFTY SHADES OF GREY", did a great positive and negative feedback from movie reviewers and fans during Valentine's Day and dominate box office as well(as of today, it has a record breaking of $81.7 MILLION).

Hearing mix reactions from others, oh yes, that's part of the movie to make the viewers react from what they saw. This is how Directors/Producers wants to see, to get feedback's and opinions from movie goers. For them, this means INCOME!

SAFE WORD from the producers gaining a $ boost from the movie, and an applause for the author. 

But why does our government permit this movie to be shown here in our country, knowing that Philippines belong to a CONSERVATIVE one. MONEY AGAIN??? Money really talks! Okay. Fine. Got it.

Yes, I saw it. And it's a kind of a movie I watch on cable. Just at home wearing my pajamas, eating chips, so tense thinking that, what I'm watching will change what I've pictured out from the book. It's surprisingly funny, it seems that I am just watching a LIFESTYLE CHANNEL or HBO(just recently I watch their SEX and the City Marathon---and shockingly, I saw a full front nudity from the series).

I am not disappointed with the acting of the two characters because they justify what is written in the book. What bothers me now, is how viewers will think after watching Fifty Shades of Grey, does it implies to THEM(YOU) or what they will say about the movie itself.

Personally, I am preoccupied throughout the movie. Comparing to what I've read---applying it to what I have seen from the video. This is so hard when you've read the book first, many practical questions raised from watching it, sometimes beautiful film but deeply unsatisfying movie.

Everyone is saying it's a P*RN movie, lots of nudity, and more erotic. For me, I feel like watching INCEPTION, a story full of mysteries.

photo credit: via photopin (license)

Fifty Shades is not great date movie, I will tell you now, because it's neither romantic nor sexy movie. It's not a NOTEBOOK movie that's full of romantic drama, but it can be compared to a TWILIGHT movie minus the wolves and the vampires---that you need to understand the Fifty Shades of Grey Book #1, is the first of a trilogy.

To sum it up, you will get out from the movie theater with ANGRY face, because the ending is inconclusive.  

Though other's told me that is not good to watch it, for me, be matured enough to see the movie first. I, too, a bit skeptical to watch the movie, but to say it is against morality and because it is not practical as Christian to watch it---you should see for yourself before judging.

The shots of nudity are artful, you will see lots of back, butt, boobs and some flashes of frontal nudity which you can see in the movies in some of the cable channels. You can see that anywhere, thru magazines and social media.  That is not new at all. 

What you heard about the movie is a mere say. All you need is to focus harder to understand the two characters. Do not focus on what they are doing, it's not all the whips and chains of erotic. For me, it's a campy story, an extreme but amusing and sometimes perversely with sophisticated appeal.

Watching Fifty Shades of Grey is not about sexiness, intense love or pervert driven. It is not all about immorality, addiction, escape...it is something close to how Ana will rediscover her self-esteem, how Christian turn from a likable character being bombarded from the past experience, how he was abused by an older woman, as a child and as a teenager. And how we(the viewers) witness an apology for domestic violence.

This is a fight against DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. How we will react if we are in that situation. How can we stand up for our self, a sense of healing from the past.

The TRUTH is, the first book of the Fifty Shades of Grey depicts the effect of Domestic Violence to a child. How Christian become that kind of a guy because of his past, but at end it has a story to tell. Deep down the story is interesting but there is a point in that film that you can feel boredom and somehow lose.  

And for the viewers, I am sure, most of us here are matured enough to understand between right or wrong, moral and immoral. And if you like to watch it out of curiosity just like me, watch it with an open mind and a sense of humor.

*The movie/book is intended for mature audiences.

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  1. The books have a lot of lessons to tell, with a special emphasis on how early childhood experiences can build or break the subsequent man or woman. For some, the book or film has become "Fifty Shades of Yey!" The steamy scenes are mind-blowing, but when you read or watch beyond those artful details, you will realize that there is really something more important to take away. If people will reflect on family issues after seeing the story, I will be very proud of the Filipino viewers.

    1. Well said sir Jayson Santos, that is also my point. Thanks.

  2. A very interesting take on the "buzzed about" movie of the weekend. Seems like the $90 million it made this weekend in the US could be spent doing great things to kids, the sick, the hungry....


  3. Hindi ako pamilyar rito sa 50 Shades of Grey. Ano nga ba ang appeal nito at balita ko e sa mga bubae ito nakakahatak?

    1. Base from the book and from the movie itself Jerboy Lupisan, it's all about how a child was abused, and thru that many things comes into his life, how he defined LOVE & SEX. Ewan ko kung bakit iba yung approach ng mga tao...maybe because as they promote the film it's all about sexes and p*rn's. Maybe that is why most of the girls who watch it, overreacted it.

  4. Na curious din ako why this movie is label as porn or sobrang sexy either. Gaining more audiences and money as well. If the movie and the one in the book similar or may nabago?

    1. They promote the movie exaggeratedly. Maybe because the plot is more on sex, but it's not. For me, it is more on the effect on how the child was abused.

  5. a nice review, but still I won't watch the film. Ewan ko ba kung bakit, basta.

    1. hahahaha...papaeleng...conservative masyado....hehehehe

  6. Either positive or negative review for them will be both an advantage. This is a marketing strategy and people become advocates for others to watch the movie. I have also read the three books but not a fan because I skipped out on too many details that I found boring. There are other movies that show nudity so I wonder why people talk about 50 Shades of Grey with much exaggeration.

    1. Agree with you sis Rochkirstin, marketing strategy indeed. As in full --- super exaggerated promotion!

  7. I think we are mature enough for the contents in 50 shades of Grey. I just don't know why people where so critical of the movie since we do have our fair share of adult films. Like any other movie, there's a story beyond the erotic scenes and nudity.

    1. Yeah! Truly Franc...I really admire the marketing strategy of the film itself. Everyone is curious about it, look at the views..the income itself...super super HIGH!

    2. Just prove that sex sells, right? Whatever medium or means of marketing, it still one of the best strategy.

  8. A lot has been said about 50 Shades of Grey. But I'd say, this is really fiction. So perhaps since it's R18, adults can really discern what's right and wrong about this movie.

  9. Many fans/viewers of this film fails to see what you saw. Great review. Hopefully others will see the lesson in there to.

  10. One thing I dont like about the movie is that it promotes BDSM. I guess, it disrespects the women in many ways.

  11. A lot of people have posted their rants and negative feedback about the movie in social media. Guess what? They're just helping put this movie at a box office hit because a lot of people became curious. Most of them initially had no plans in watching the movie but decided to watch it anyway due to the numerous exposure.

  12. Experiences speaks...sex of course; discovering and exploring only give pleasure and satisfaction even without the thing called love. Having love someone and having sex is the most satisfying thing on earth called heaven. But using some sex equipment is not love but pain to release inside your body.

  13. I don't know much about this book or even the movie for that matter so I have not much words to say. But your post enlightened me. And as what Badet said, it's just a fiction and adults indeed can discern between right and wrong.

  14. I don't know how they say it's romanticizing rape or violence. They are both willing to do it. How is that even rape? Some people should really be open minded. I haven't watched the movie yet but I would want to and I also have read the books

  15. Somehow the trilogy has a happy ending. The movie was a joy to watch hahaha. In the end, I saw a lot of young girls and pinoys getting introduced to world of BDSM. I am sure some couples tried some of the things they saw in the movie. ;)

  16. I am not watching this until there is an *uncut* version hehehehe. I mean seriously I won't watch it if it's blurred okay?

  17. god review.I havent seen the movie. for me sex doesn't matter if needed in the story...I like this line - "perversely with sophisticated appeal"

  18. The movie itself are for those who are in BDSM and yes, the minors should stay away from it. It's just so confusing that some people don't want to watch porn but they're excited to watch the movie. Duh. Haha! :D

  19. There's a lot talk about this. I've never seen one of the movies or read a book. I heard the new movie was not that good. I'm not sure if I want to waste my time on any of it. This is really the first thing that I have read about this. You have informed me on some things about it. Thanks.

  20. Thank you for the candid review. I have the ebooks but have yet to finish the first book. All my girlfriends have been asking me to watch this with them, because they can't watch it with their spouses LOL. I will probably wait till it becomes free in cable as I'm not a movie buff.

  21. Yes I agree with you that we should not be focusing on what they are doing but who the characters are. Though I have not watched the movie yet, I have read the 3 books already=) I think the story was quite romantic for me
