Seriously White Advanced Whitening Naturals Placenta Face Cream - Review

I have been searching for a nice day cream that works both as an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and a whitening as well. I'm in my late '30s and honestly I don't have big problem with wrinkles, but for the sake of looking good---we need to care for our skin. 

I've been so obsessed with finding better and gentler ways to take care of my skin. My daily routine, like healthy dieting(eating the right meal), no skipping meal, exercising, etc.. was going well, but my getting of overachieving it couldn't help but think for better ways.

Chemicals can be harmful to our skin and it has a long process healing it, and while your face is in the process of healing it looks as though your face is literally falling off. Sounds so scary, right? 

Being vain to beauty is not a sin but over vain---that is SCARY!  

SERIOUSLY WHITE ADVANCED WHITENING NATURALS PLACENTA FACE CREAM is so natural. When we say natural, it means natural products that are safe and effective. This placenta face cream performs the best cream in the market today, this cream works amazingly unbelievable, it lighten my skin!

PLACENTA CREAM was created to treat damage skin from too much exposure from the sun, sign of aging, and dry skin. Here in this product, they used NATURAL PLACENTA it uses an infused placental proteins(which derived from mammalian organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall known as PLACENTA).

The product is sealed to protect and preserve the solution/ingredients from shipping and handling. 

Take an appropriate amount of Seriously White Facial Cream with your finger tips and apply from center of your face outwards.

Apply it evenly to your face and include your neck using upward motions.

I stick with my regular routine. Wash my face once or twice a day, before applying facial cleanser and Seriously White Advanced Whitening Naturals Placenta Face Cream.

Did it work? For the first two weeks, it did! My skin look radiant and glowing. My face felt supple, soft, younger and some of my lines slowly disappearing.

Finally, a face cream solution that works for me!

I couldn't keep my excitement when I saw it working with my skin and now I keep using it and somehow noticing my face is getting whiter and younger---and soon to see it more lighter without any pigmentation.

And honestly, the first time I saw a change, I really did a double-take in taking selfie pictures. I couldn't believe my dark spot were fading away. It was working, YES!

Now, it is time for me to introduce you to a FACE CREAM with Advanced Whitening and Naturals Placenta.

  • Natural Fast Whitening
  • Effective Anti-Aging
  • With Sun Protection
  • Infused with Placental Proteins
  • With Vitamin B3
  • Dermatologist-Tested

Be one step closer to a whiter, firm and radiant young skin in every application with SERIOUSLY WHITE PLACENTA FACE CREAM for only PHp209.00.



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  1. I wonder how placenta could change one's skin color. It is incredible how these companies find uses for all these natural materials.

  2. This seems to be a very good product! I'm so glad it worked for you =D

  3. wow, your face looked flawless after using it! very nice!

  4. Can this product be used on all skin types?

  5. Wow, it's indeed a big difference. But it looked more like the camera lighting difference than your face difference! I find that your face is firmer and more radiant though...

    1. how to buy this product online?

    2. You can contact me mam Evelyn, im a Splash Supervisor Khang 09266313192

    3. Im a Splash Supervisor and its my pleasure to assist you Mam Evelyn Heres my no. 09266313192

  6. Overall improvement on the skin tone and texture. Good review.

  7. Wow amazing difference. Does it work for acne as well?
    The effect is permanent?

    1. Dare Conquer they also have products that suits for ACNE problem.

  8. Oh wow! What a noticeable difference! I will definitely have to keep my eye open for this cream - anything that can help rewind time is a winner! Sim x

  9. I have not try this PLACENTA FACE CREAM yet and not sure what are the soource.

  10. I am not really into whitening creams I think having to change your skin color for society is wrong and the fact that people get convinced they are not good enough is sad. But I am glad you got the results you wanted

    1. It is not to change color Premar88, it helps lighten your skin. As for me, I have a fair skin and in my age at late 30's some dark spots are coming, as we called it pigmentation. In order to avoid that you have to take care of your skin to preserve the fairness of it.

  11. it definitely has a brightening effect! interesting product

  12. That's really cheap for an effective product! I wish you posted better photos though so I could really appreciate the product.

  13. Wow that is honestly quite impressive.. I kind of want to give it a try myself, too!

  14. The change in your skin is really noticeable. It made it clearer and whiter.

  15. What is the fascination with whitening skin care products? I often wonder if in the long run they help or hurt the skin.

    1. Here in the Philippines we are fond of having whiter skin. As we old, especially Asian woman we can see pigmentation in our skin that is why we are so very sensitive in dealing this kind of a dark spot, we use this just to prevent and to lighten skin discoloration.

  16. I love natural beauty products that does not dry the skin but keeps it soft and hydrated, and able to breathe. This innovative product seems to have natural ingredients which is great.

  17. Wow. The after Photo was stunning. It does work well. My wife needs to see this.

  18. Looks like it's a great product for whitening, would like to try it out!

  19. how to buy this product online?

    1. Visit splash website. Splash Direct Sales.
