Why Couple Shirts Are Trending

Have you ever wonder where the couple shirt started? Let's go back with the T-shirt History.

Way back before 1920's, T-SHIRT already made a name in textile and fashion industry, as the first worn underwear called "Long Johns" (long underwear) or thermal underwear. It is a style of a two piece underwear knitted as one-piece clothing with long legs and long sleeves that normally worn during cold weather, commonly worn by the people in cold countries. 

And because people love to experiment everything, they saw an alternative way of designing knitted union shirt. Carefully shaped from a difficult cut and sew style of shirt to a shirt that can be worn comfortably using a cloth made of cotton.

The T shaped shirts that we use today actually started in Europe, it was copied by the American soldiers during WW 1. During that time American soldiers used woolen uniforms, which are very difficult to wear every time they will have military exercises. When they saw that the European soldiers were being issued T-SHIRT as their standard uniforms, they were envied and suggested wearing light cotton shirts to make them move quickly. And the rest is history.

Today, we see lot's of shirts with different styles. This is accordingly with beliefs, culture and traditions, as well as the aspiration to inspire each individual to come up with their artistry and craftsmanship in dealing with shirts designs, one of these is the CUSTOM MADE COUPLE SHIRTS.

photo credit: TZA via photopin cc

 photo credit: juwon.kim via photopin cc

Couples who are deeply in love with each other begin to see the sparks and excitement going on with their relationship and wanted to share their feelings in public, and to make it not so very scandalous they came up with this idea, why not wear the same shirt with different design but still connecting the shirt to each other.

photo credit: roboppy via photopin cc

During the Holidays I see many couples wearing this kind of a shirt, and almost of the custom shirt shop that I've visited COUPLE SHIRTS is the item that always NOT AVAILABLE, OUT OF STOCK or SOLD OUT.

Couples are really crazy with these COUPLE SHIRTS that is why it's trending here in our country. 

Just by making their own creative design adding their personal touch and ideas. A good way of expressing one self feelings to each other because both side can share and express their inner consciousness through the shirt they can send MESSAGE of LOVE, HOPE and REMINISCE an important chapter of their relationship.

Couple Shirts is also an identity that you belong to each other. A part of each other that everywhere you go you are identified as couples and you both become the EYE CANDY of all. You get all the attention, not only with the design and style of the shirt you wear but the uniqueness and the individuality that you project that deviate from the established course in fashion.


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  1. Aside from being near Valentine's Day, couples shirts is a good way to be proud of your relationship.

    1. Hmmm, exactly Franc! Great gift for both lovers.

  2. I was at the World Bazaar at World Trade Center last December and a lot of people were on this one booth who sells couple shirts and hoodies. And I must admit its pretty tempting! Problem is, I'm single. haha

  3. Here in Korea, couple shirt is not a trend, it is a lifestyle. If you are couple, it is a must to wear a couple shirt in every season of the year. I guess that is their way of owning each others, like they are shouting that they belong to each other.

    1. Yeah, I see Korean couple here in Davao they love to wear couple shirt over and over..yung iba pabalik.balik na lang ang suot..bstah couple shirt..

  4. I've seen a number of lovey-dovey wearing this couple shirt. I find it cute . Napapangiti na lang ako.

  5. We are planning to create our own couple shirt. Something original, not that too cheesy but meaningful for both of us:)

  6. I first learned about couple shirts from Koreanovelas that I watch. I just want those simple designs though.

  7. This is a great wedding gift, usually the newlywed would be game to wear this the day after the wedding or during their honeymoon.

    I'm interested also in parent and child shirts, my mom and I used to wear the same dresses when I was a kid. Back then everything was "patahi".

  8. wow cool! I like this idea..I am single but if I had a boyfriend I would like to wear couple clothes. I personally think it looks nice (btw. you two both look very cool in pink color) wearing matching suits. best couple hoodies
