Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum: Third Day Application

Third day, May 18. After the drama of itchiness I still continue to try FYSIKO Eyelash Growth Serum (story here)the next day.

I have used products for the lashes that have an awful smell.  But the chemicals used in this product are odorless and a water-based that dries quickly to your eyelid.

A bit skeptical at first because I thought it only work with Caucasian and Western women but as I see and compare my everyday photo using this serum I've found out that it really works with Asian woman too!

Asian women are grace with thick and gorgeous dark hair but eyelashes is our dilemma.

Thanks to FYSIKO Eyelash Growth Serum for discovering this product, woman now can have a beautiful luscious eyelashes that adds definition and enhances our face to gain that vivacious look.

I will be doing an update post about this product with photos for comparison to see how it works day by day, weeks by weeks.

You can visit their website for more info, FYSIKO' LASHES


*I was financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*  

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  1. Sounds like an awesome product!

  2. it made a huge difference! i always struggle with my eyelash lenght and this might be a great product for me to try. Thanks so much for sharing

    Delightful Ideas

  3. It's working! I am also giving this a try and in my fourth week and it definitely works! My lashes are longer and stronger than they have EVER been!

  4. I am also reviewing this. I am posting my six week post in a few days. I cannot wait to see the results.

  5. Sounds very cool. I just can't help but wonder if they have the same side effects as that other lash growth product that was staining eye lids?
