Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum: First Day Application

Last week I received a parcel from Beauty Essentials, FYSIKO EYELASH GROWTH SERUM (story here).  And I made a promise that after I serve as a COMELEC-BEI for the Philippine Election I will have my first day application of the said product.

As the instruction said, you have to clean your eyes first by washing your face before applying.

Then I open the box and see what's inside the container, a clear chemical looks like a water.

Apply it now to my eyelid close to my eyelash growth line.

You can see my eye side corner, my lashes are almost gone.  I concentrate on that side to balance my lashes.

My first application works great.  You only have to follow the instructions listed in the guidelines.


I decided to apply this product once a day, but you can do it twice a day and never to exceed it for more.  

Took a photo to deliver an honest review of this product to compare its effectiveness.

I will be doing an update post about this product with photos for comparison to see how it works day by day, weeks by weeks.

You can visit their website for more info, FYSIKO' LASHES

Or follow them via TWITTER or FACEBOOK PAGE 

*I was financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*  

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  1. I'm sure it would turn out fine but I'll be looking forward on how the serum works in your future post.

  2. I have little eyelashes and I think I need that. Never thought that there's a product like that. :)

  3. Where did you buy it and how much?

    1. Just click STORY HERE sis. Details are given there. Thanks. :)

  4. Eager to see what will happen after some weeks. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure all will turn well.

  5. That seems like a good product for beauty enthusiasts, especially those who want to highlight their eyes.
    - Wanderer Juan

  6. Will watch en see the effects :) for sure effective ang product Pal :)

  7. will follow the update as we share something in common. short eyelashes..

  8. I'll tell my girlfriend about this post. Hopes it will turn well and will wait for the follow up post.

  9. Wow! I want to see what the end result will be. :)

  10. woul love to try stuff like this but just not sure if it will actually make me happy haha I am so tamad being vain hehe

  11. so that is the use of this product . to make your eyelashes more prominent. I am not really aware much on the girl's stuff .. hahaha .. but the way i see the difference , the post application look better than none :D

  12. I'll let my girlfriend try this because she used to tell me that she wants to have a longer eye lashes.

  13. I want one for myself! I want to have longer eyelashes...

    I hope you'll get great results! :)

  14. This would definitely be on my list for kikay gifts for my sister...

  15. Wow, it works! For sure this product can get a lot of positive reviews.

  16. I've always been interested to try eyelash growth serums since I barely have lashes.. haha.. Anyway, will research if Fysiko works great. Maybe I can try it out too sometime soon :)

  17. This would highlight your eyes even better.

  18. interesting.. kaso wala kaya side effect? update us with your results ha?

  19. whoah. i hope this will work good on you. and maybe i can use it soon too! depending on your results..
